Flexibility Works
Flexibility Works is a Glasgow based social enterprise led by Nikki Slowey and Lisa Gallagher, Scotland’s leading experts in flexible working.
Our Purpose, Vision & Mission
Enriching people’s lives by transforming the way we work
Creating a working culture that truly values work life harmony, enabling all people and businesses to thrive
To accelerate the adoption of flexible and new ways of working in Scotland, by sharing advice, insight and best practice, which improve business success, employee engagement and wellbeing.
Our Values
1. We are mission-drive and prioritise wellbeing and work life harmony for all
2. With a creative mindset, we offer a safe, enjoyable space for all our customers, colleagues and employers
3. We are curious and take time to understand your story and deliver customised solutions
4. We build relationships and bring people together to collaborate and share best practice
5. We take action by rolling up our sleeves and getting stuff done
6. We care deeply about equality, justice and improving people’s lives
5 Pillars
Progressing procurement
• We network within Scotland and try to ensure that we support Scottish based businesses
• When purchasing thank you gifts for event speakers, we have sourced local, women-led businesses to support
Fair employment and just labour markets
• We invest in the training and development of our staff as we know that they are our strongest asset.
• We allocate an annual training allowance for every member of staff
• None of our staff are on zero hours contracts
• All of our staff earn above the Living Wage
• At our very core, Flexibility Works are a flexible organisation. All jobs are advertised as flexible and from day one, flexible working is discussed with our staff.
• We offer various working patterns to suit all family and caring responsibilities.
• Most of our staff work part time and all currently work remotely
• We offer enhanced sick pay and are reviewing our family friendly policies and pay so that we can be market leading for an organisation of our size
Shared ownership of the local economy
• At Flexibility Works, we do not have shareholders. All profits are put back into the business to allow us to support more organisations on their flexible working journey
• This allows us to employ more Scottish based people (we have just employed 3 new members of staff) and in turn, increase our capacity to work with more local businesses
Socially just use of land and property
• We do not own any property or land, rather making use of co-working hubs in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
• We believe that this is the best model for flexible businesses as we are still based within the community and supporting locally owned co-working spaces
• This allows us to be a part of the local social business community while allow ensuring that we are not wasting money on a fixed office that wouldn’t be fully utilised
Making financial power work for local places
• Our social business model allows us to employ more Scottish based people (we have just employed 3 new members of staff) and in turn, increase our capacity to work with more local businesses
A thriving economy requires people who are skilled, motivated and engaged. We believe this can be achieved when business allows people to fulfil their potential and be in a position to chose both a career and a home life, while not being held back. More than ever, we need to be challenging the old-fashioned infrastructure of working being in a static location, 9 to 5. Working flexibly simply works better for all of us.