Progressive Procurement of Goods and Services
Anchor organisations within the region like Councils, NHS, Police, Universities, Colleges etc, provide a huge buying power locally, and can make a massive impact on the local economy.
Working together with local businesses, SME’s,thirds sector organisations, social enterprises, employee or community owned businesses helps to develop a resilient local supply chain to retain wealth within the local area.

- Social Value Frameworks - these exist to help businesses prioritise key objectives in order to raise awareness and further the impact of community benefits and sustainability.
- Anchor organisations - Understanding the buying power that Anchor Networks have and engaging with potential local suppliers and social enterprises to help to explain the requirements to become a preferred supplier, thus opening up the possibilities to have a more inclusive and resilient supply chain.
- Suppliers - By utilising suppliers who are pro-active in sustainability, social impact and community wellbeing. By choosing to use suppliers who demonstrate these values, we are encouraging a positive and ethical legacy.
- Community Engagement - By encouraging open lines of communication between communities about the services and resources needed within their local area, helps suppliers, construction firms and businesses to help identify what the needs of the area are, rather than delivering a 'perscriptive offering'. Many industries include community consultations as part of their strategies for this very reason, and feel they get valuble insight in to the challenges and aspirations of community.
McLaughlin & Harvey understand the importance of engaging with local social enterprises in their supply chain. They have worked with Move On to utilise waste materials from their project, thus reducing the environmental impact and enabling them help strengthen their business model.
They have also been proactive in engaging with local good causes above and beyond the standard frameworks to ensure that they are making a positive difference to the local areas of their projects.
"A great example of progressive procurement working well currently within the local area is the Broomhouse/Sighthill Community One Stop Shop service. They offer food packages at low affordable rates – generally food from local shops which is close to its sell by date and also regularly have community meals which use locally grown food from community gardens. They also offer a local self-referral food bank, advice services and outreach work. As well as this, they also offer employability support."
Gemma Smith, GoBeyond, Edinburgh
"Progressive procurement of goods and services is desperately needed. Where local skills and capacity are available and offer the best solution, obstructive procurement practices hamper this being delivered. 'Computer says no' will rarely produce the best value for money solution, particularly at a local community level. Current procurement rules are not fit for purpose and often produce the opposite of what they set out to do."
Kate Darrah, The Ridge, Dunbar